Redefining Virtual Teaching Learning Pedagogy
Bansal, Rohit, editor.
Changes in the Higher Education Sector : Contemporary Drivers and the Pursuit of Excellence
Khalid Khan, Dawne Gurbutt, and Rachel Cragg
Handbook of Research on Teacher Education : Innovations and Practices in Asia
Myint Swe Khine and Yang Liu
Pedagogies for Future-Oriented Adult Learners : Flipping the Lens from Teaching to Learning
Helen Bound, Jennifer Pei-Ling Tan, and Rebekah Lim Wei Ying
Supporting Students' Motivation : Strategies for Success
Johnmarshall Reeve, Richard M. Ryan, Sung Hyeon Cheon, Lennia Matos, and Haya Kaplan
The Boundless Classroom : Designing Purposeful Instruction for Any Learning Environment
Nathan Lang-Raad and James V. Witty
The Higher Education Personal Tutor’s and Advisor’s Companion : Translating Theory into Practice to Improve Student Succes
Lochtie, Dave, editor.; Stork, Andrew, editor.; Walker, Ben (Ben W.), editor.
The Survival Guide for Academic Leaders
Karen Greenstreet and Bob Greenstreet